I’m Trying, Man!

My name is Alexa Mitchell and I'm going to be 18 years old in 7 days. In these days leading up to my legal adulthood, all I've learned from the adults around me is that no one cares that I'm trying. Why is it that an adult is seen as someone who never makes mistakes... Continue Reading →

Places to go My First Time Driving

I’d like to think this will be something I remember for the rest of my life. Lots of things in life are meaningless, but driving represents more than the ability to use a car. For some, it represents freedom, adventure, and a new beginning. So, when I get into my car with my new license... Continue Reading →

Piper Rae

She’s got big eyes and a prescription Waiting for the perfect sinner To take away her old soul She never said her name but I call her Piper Rae   I only saw her once a day Otherwise, my ends would fray And her mystique would become weak But I will always remember her lies... Continue Reading →

Krystal with a K

It was a dark and stormy night…” Lucas began. Benjamin scoffed. “When does anything scary ever actually happen on a dark and stormy night?” The other kids at the sleepover fell silent. “On the day that Karen Mitchell got murdered,” he continued, “it was a bright and sunny day.” The crime scene was utter chaos.... Continue Reading →

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